Emergent Mind

Random Tessellations, Restricted Isometric Embeddings, and One Bit Sensing

Published Dec 21, 2015 in math.CA , cs.IT , and math.IT


We obtain mproved bounds for one bit sensing. For instance, let $ Ks$ denote the set of $ s$-sparse unit vectors in the sphere $ \mathbb S {n}$ in dimension $ n+1$ with sparsity parameter $ 0 < s < n+1$ and assume that $ 0 < \delta < 1$. We show that for $ m \gtrsim \delta {-2} s \log \frac ns$, the one-bit map $$ x \mapsto \bigl[ {sgn} \langle x,gj \rangle \bigr] {j=1} {m}, $$ where $ gj$ are iid gaussian vectors on $ \mathbb R {n+1}$, with high probability has $ \delta $-RIP from $ Ks$ into the $ m$-dimensional Hamming cube. These bounds match the bounds for the {linear} $ \delta $-RIP given by $ x \mapsto \frac 1m[\langle x,gj \rangle ] _{j=1} {m} $, from the sparse vectors in $ \mathbb R {n}$ into $ \ell {1}$. In other words, the one bit and linear RIPs are equally effective. There are corresponding improvements for other one-bit properties, such as the sign-product RIP property.

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