Emergent Mind

Constructions and Bounds for Mixed-Dimension Subspace Codes

Published Dec 21, 2015 in math.CO , cs.IT , and math.IT


Codes in finite projective spaces equipped with the subspace distance have been proposed for error control in random linear network coding. The resulting so-called \emph{Main Problem of Subspace Coding} is to determine the maximum size $Aq(v,d)$ of a code in $\operatorname{PG}(v-1,\mathbb{F}q)$ with minimum subspace distance $d$. Here we completely resolve this problem for $d\ge v-1$. For $d=v-2$ we present some improved bounds and determine $Aq(5,3)=2q3+2$ (all $q$), $A2(7,5)=34$. We also provide an exposition of the known determination of $Aq(v,2)$, and a table with exact results and bounds for the numbers $A2(v,d)$, $v\leq 7$.

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