Emergent Mind


Caching and multicasting at base stations are two promising approaches to support massive content delivery over wireless networks. However, existing analysis and designs do not fully explore and exploit the potential advantages of the two approaches. In this paper, we consider the analysis and optimization of caching and multicasting in a large-scale cache-enabled wireless network. We propose a random caching and multicasting scheme with a design parameter. By carefully handling different types of interferers and adopting appropriate approximations, we derive a tractable expression for the successful transmission probability in the general region, utilizing tools from stochastic geometry. We also obtain a closed-form expression for the successful transmission probability in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and user density region. Then, we consider the successful transmission probability maximization, which is a very complex non-convex problem in general. Using optimization techniques, we develop an iterative numerical algorithm to obtain a local optimal caching and multicasting design in the general region. To reduce complexity and maintain superior performance, we also derive an asymptotically optimal caching and multicasting design in the asymptotic region, based on a two-step optimization framework. Finally, numerical simulations show that the asymptotically optimal design achieves a significant gain in successful transmission probability over some baseline schemes in the general region.

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