Emergent Mind


Recent experimental neuroscience studies are pointing out the role of long-range intra-areal connectivity that can be modeled by a distance dependent exponential decay of the synaptic probability distribution. This short report provides a preliminary measure of the impact of exponentially decaying lateral connectivity compared to that of shorter-range Gaussian decays on the scaling behaviour and memory occupation of a distributed spiking neural network simulator (DPSNN). Two-dimensional grids of cortical columns composed by point-like spiking neurons have been connected by up to 30 billion synapses using exponential and Gaussian connectivity models. Up to 1024 hardware cores, hosted on a 64 nodes server platform, executed the MPI processes composing the distributed simulator. The hardware platform was a cluster of IBM NX360 M5 16-core compute nodes, each one containing two Intel Xeon Haswell 8-core E5-2630 v3 processors, with a clock of 2.40GHz, interconnected through an InfiniBand network. This study is conducted in the framework of the CORTICONIC FET project, also in view of the next -to-start activities foreseen as part of the Human Brain Project (HBP), SubProject 3 Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience, WaveScalES work-package.

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