Emergent Mind

Distributionally Robust Game Theory

Published Dec 10, 2015 in cs.GT


The classical, complete-information two-player games assume that the problem data (in particular the payoff matrix) is known exactly by both players. In a now famous result, Nash has shown that any such game has an equilibrium in mixed strategies. This result was later extended to a class of incomplete-information two-player games by Harsanyi, who assumed that the payoff matrix is not known exactly but rather represents a random variable that is governed by a probability distribution known to both players. In 2006, Bertsimas and Aghassi proposed a new class of distribution-free two-player games where the payoff matrix is only known to belong to a given uncertainty set. This model relaxes the distributional assumptions of Harsanyi's Bayesian games, and it gives rise to an alternative distribution-free equilibrium concept. In this thesis we present a new model of incomplete information games without private information in which the players use a distributionally robust optimization approach to cope with the payoff uncertainty. With some specific restrictions, we show that our "Distributionally Robust Game" constitutes a true generalization of the three aforementioned finite games (Nash games, Bayesian Games and Robust Games). Subsequently, we prove that the set of equilibria of an arbitrary distributionally robust game with specified ambiguity set can be computed as the component-wise projection of the solution set of a multi-linear system of equations and inequalities. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability of our new model of games and highlight its importance.

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