Emergent Mind

Graphs, Disjoint Matchings and Some Inequalities

Published Dec 8, 2015 in cs.DM and math.CO


For $k \geq 1$ and a graph $G$ let $\nuk(G)$ denote the size of a maximum $k$-edge-colorable subgraph of $G$. Mkrtchyan, Petrosyan and Vardanyan proved that $\nu2(G)\geq \frac45\cdot |V(G)|$, $\nu3(G)\geq \frac76\cdot |V(G)|$ for any cubic graph $G$ ~\cite{samvel:2010}. They were also able to show that if $G$ is a cubic graph, then $\nu2(G)+\nu3(G)\geq 2\cdot |V(G)|$ ~\cite{samvel:2014} and $\nu2(G) \leq \frac{|V(G)| + 2\cdot \nu3(G)}{4}$ ~\cite{samvel:2010}. In the first part of the present work, we show that the last two inequalities imply the first two of them. Moreover, we show that $\nu2(G) \geq \alpha \cdot \frac{|V(G)| + 2\cdot \nu3(G)}{4} $, where $\alpha=\frac{16}{17}$, if $G$ is a cubic graph, $\alpha=\frac{20}{21}$, if $G$ is a cubic graph containing a perfect matching, $\alpha=\frac{44}{45}$, if $G$ is a bridgeless cubic graph. We also investigate the parameters $\nu2(G)$ and $\nu3(G)$ in the class of claw-free cubic graphs. We improve the lower bounds for $\nu2(G)$ and $\nu3(G)$ for claw-free bridgeless cubic graphs to $\nu2(G)\geq \frac{35}{36}\cdot |V(G)|$ ($n \geq 48$), $\nu3(G)\geq \frac{43}{45}\cdot |E(G)|$. On the basis of these inequalities we are able to improve the coefficient $\alpha$ for bridgeless claw-free cubic graphs. In the second part of the work, we prove lower bounds for $\nuk(G)$ in terms of $\frac{\nu{k-1}(G)+\nu{k+1}(G)}{2}$ for $k\geq 2$ and graphs $G$ containing at most $1$ cycle. We also present the corresponding conjectures for bipartite and nearly bipartite graphs.

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