Emergent Mind

Annotating Character Relationships in Literary Texts

Published Dec 2, 2015 in cs.CL


We present a dataset of manually annotated relationships between characters in literary texts, in order to support the training and evaluation of automatic methods for relation type prediction in this domain (Makazhanov et al., 2014; Kokkinakis, 2013) and the broader computational analysis of literary character (Elson et al., 2010; Bamman et al., 2014; Vala et al., 2015; Flekova and Gurevych, 2015). In this work, we solicit annotations from workers on Amazon Mechanical Turk for 109 texts ranging from Homer's Iliad to Joyce's Ulysses on four dimensions of interest: for a given pair of characters, we collect judgments as to the coarse-grained category (professional, social, familial), fine-grained category (friend, lover, parent, rival, employer), and affinity (positive, negative, neutral) that describes their primary relationship in a text. We do not assume that this relationship is static; we also collect judgments as to whether it changes at any point in the course of the text.

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