Emergent Mind

Enhancing Infrastructure Security in Real Estate

Published Nov 30, 2015 in cs.CY


As a result of the increased dependency on obtaining information and connecting each computer together for ease of access or communication, organizations risk being attacked and losing private information through breaches or insecure business activities. To help protect organizations and their assets, companies need to develop a strong understanding of the risks imposed on their company and the security solutions designed to prevent or minimize vulnerabilities. To reduce the impact threats have on a network, organizations need to: design a defense layer system that provides multiple instances of protection to prevent unauthorized access to core information, implement a strong network hardware/intrusion prevention system, and create all-inclusive network or security policies that detail user rules and company rights. In order to enhance the overall security of a basic infrastructure, this paper will provide a detailed look into gathering the organizational requirements, designing and implementing a secure physical network layout, and selecting the standards needed to prevent unauthorized access

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