Emergent Mind

On the total $(k,r)$-domination number of random graphs

Published Nov 23, 2015 in cs.DM and math.CO


A subset $S$ of a vertex set of a graph $G$ is a total $(k,r)$-dominating set if every vertex $u \in V(G)$ is within distance $k$ of at least $r$ vertices in $S$. The minimum cardinality among all total $(k,r)$-dominating sets of $G$ is called the total $(k,r)$-domination number of $G$, denoted by $\gamma{t}_{(k,r)}(G)$. We previously gave an upper bound on $\gamma{t}_{(2,r)}(G(n,p))$ in random graphs with non-fixed $p \in (0,1)$. In this paper we generalize this result to give an upper bound on $\gamma{t}_{(k,r)}(G(n,p))$ in random graphs with non-fixed $p \in (0,1)$ for $k\geq 3$ as well as present an upper bound on $\gamma{t}_{(k,r)}(G)$ in graphs with large girth.

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