Emergent Mind

Semi-supervised Bootstrapping approach for Named Entity Recognition

Published Nov 21, 2015 in cs.CL and cs.IR


The aim of Named Entity Recognition (NER) is to identify references of named entities in unstructured documents, and to classify them into pre-defined semantic categories. NER often aids from added background knowledge in the form of gazetteers. However using such a collection does not deal with name variants and cannot resolve ambiguities associated in identifying the entities in context and associating them with predefined categories. We present a semi-supervised NER approach that starts with identifying named entities with a small set of training data. Using the identified named entities, the word and the context features are used to define the pattern. This pattern of each named entity category is used as a seed pattern to identify the named entities in the test set. Pattern scoring and tuple value score enables the generation of the new patterns to identify the named entity categories. We have evaluated the proposed system for English language with the dataset of tagged (IEER) and untagged (CoNLL 2003) named entity corpus and for Tamil language with the documents from the FIRE corpus and yield an average f-measure of 75% for both the languages.

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