Emergent Mind

Randomization can be as helpful as a glimpse of the future in online computation

Published Nov 18, 2015 in cs.DS and cs.CC


We provide simple but surprisingly useful direct product theorems for proving lower bounds on online algorithms with a limited amount of advice about the future. As a consequence, we are able to translate decades of research on randomized online algorithms to the advice complexity model. Doing so improves significantly on the previous best advice complexity lower bounds for many online problems, or provides the first known lower bounds. For example, if $n$ is the number of requests, we show that: (1) A paging algorithm needs $\Omega(n)$ bits of advice to achieve a competitive ratio better than $H_k=\Omega(\log k)$, where $k$ is the cache size. Previously, it was only known that $\Omega(n)$ bits of advice were necessary to achieve a constant competitive ratio smaller than $5/4$. (2) Every $O(n{1-\varepsilon})$-competitive vertex coloring algorithm must use $\Omega(n\log n)$ bits of advice. Previously, it was only known that $\Omega(n\log n)$ bits of advice were necessary to be optimal. For certain online problems, including the MTS, $k$-server, paging, list update, and dynamic binary search tree problem, our results imply that randomization and sublinear advice are equally powerful (if the underlying metric space or node set is finite). This means that several long-standing open questions regarding randomized online algorithms can be equivalently stated as questions regarding online algorithms with sublinear advice. For example, we show that there exists a deterministic $O(\log k)$-competitive $k$-server algorithm with advice complexity $o(n)$ if and only if there exists a randomized $O(\log k)$-competitive $k$-server algorithm without advice. Technically, our main direct product theorem is obtained by extending an information theoretical lower bound technique due to Emek, Fraigniaud, Korman, and Ros\'en [ICALP'09].

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