Emergent Mind

Zero-Shot Learning via Joint Latent Similarity Embedding

Published Nov 14, 2015 in cs.CV


Zero-shot recognition (ZSR) deals with the problem of predicting class labels for target domain instances based on source domain side information (e.g. attributes) of unseen classes. We formulate ZSR as a binary prediction problem. Our resulting classifier is class-independent. It takes an arbitrary pair of source and target domain instances as input and predicts whether or not they come from the same class, i.e. whether there is a match. We model the posterior probability of a match since it is a sufficient statistic and propose a latent probabilistic model in this context. We develop a joint discriminative learning framework based on dictionary learning to jointly learn the parameters of our model for both domains, which ultimately leads to our class-independent classifier. Many of the existing embedding methods can be viewed as special cases of our probabilistic model. On ZSR our method shows 4.90\% improvement over the state-of-the-art in accuracy averaged across four benchmark datasets. We also adapt ZSR method for zero-shot retrieval and show 22.45\% improvement accordingly in mean average precision (mAP).

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