Emergent Mind

Automatic Inference of the Quantile Parameter

Published Nov 12, 2015 in stat.ML


Supervised learning is an active research area, with numerous applications in diverse fields such as data analytics, computer vision, speech and audio processing, and image understanding. In most cases, the loss functions used in machine learning assume symmetric noise models, and seek to estimate the unknown function parameters. However, loss functions such as quantile and quantile Huber generalize the symmetric $\ell_1$ and Huber losses to the asymmetric setting, for a fixed quantile parameter. In this paper, we propose to jointly infer the quantile parameter and the unknown function parameters, for the asymmetric quantile Huber and quantile losses. We explore various properties of the quantile Huber loss and implement a convexity certificate that can be used to check convexity in the quantile parameter. When the loss if convex with respect to the parameter of the function, we prove that it is biconvex in both the function and the quantile parameters, and propose an algorithm to jointly estimate these. Results with synthetic and real data demonstrate that the proposed approach can automatically recover the quantile parameter corresponding to the noise and also provide an improved recovery of function parameters. To illustrate the potential of the framework, we extend the gradient boosting machines with quantile losses to automatically estimate the quantile parameter at each iteration.

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