Emergent Mind

Eliminating Higher-Multiplicity Intersections, III. Codimension 2

Published Nov 11, 2015 in math.GT , cs.CG , and math.CO


We study conditions under which a finite simplicial complex $K$ can be mapped to $\mathbb Rd$ without higher-multiplicity intersections. An almost $r$-embedding is a map $f: K\to \mathbb Rd$ such that the images of any $r$ pairwise disjoint simplices of $K$ do not have a common point. We show that if $r$ is not a prime power and $d\geq 2r+1$, then there is a counterexample to the topological Tverberg conjecture, i.e., there is an almost $r$-embedding of the $(d+1)(r-1)$-simplex in $\mathbb Rd$. This improves on previous constructions of counterexamples (for $d\geq 3r$) based on a series of papers by M. \"Ozaydin, M. Gromov, P. Blagojevi\'c, F. Frick, G. Ziegler, and the second and fourth present authors. The counterexamples are obtained by proving the following algebraic criterion in codimension 2: If $r\ge3$ and if $K$ is a finite $2(r-1)$-complex then there exists an almost $r$-embedding $K\to \mathbb R{2r}$ if and only if there exists a general position PL map $f:K\to \mathbb R{2r}$ such that the algebraic intersection number of the $f$-images of any $r$ pairwise disjoint simplices of $K$ is zero. This result can be restated in terms of cohomological obstructions or equivariant maps, and extends an analogous codimension 3 criterion by the second and fourth authors. As another application we classify ornaments $f:S3 \sqcup S3\sqcup S3\to \mathbb R5$ up to ornament concordance. It follows from work of M. Freedman, V. Krushkal and P. Teichner that the analogous criterion for $r=2$ is false. We prove a lemma on singular higher-dimensional Borromean rings, yielding an elementary proof of the counterexample.

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