Emergent Mind

Checkpointing with Minimal Recover in Adhocnet based TMR

Published Nov 10, 2015 in cs.DC and cs.NI


This paper describes two-fold approach towards utilizing Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) in Wireless Adhoc Network (AdocNet). A distributed checkpointing and recovery protocol is proposed. The protocol eliminates useless checkpoints and helps in selecting only dependent processes in the concerned checkpointing interval, to recover. A process starts recovery from its last checkpoint only if it finds that it is dependent (directly or indirectly) on the faulty process. The recovery protocol also prevents the occurrence of missing or orphan messages. In AdocNet, a set of three nodes (connected to each other) is considered to form a TMR set, being designated as main, primary and secondary. A main node in one set may serve as primary or secondary in another. Computation is not triplicated, but checkpoint by main is duplicated in its primary so that primary can continue if main fails. Checkpoint by primary is then duplicated in secondary if primary fails too.

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