Emergent Mind

On Sylvester Colorings of Cubic Graphs

Published Nov 8, 2015 in math.CO and cs.DM


If $G$ and $H$ are two cubic graphs, then an $H$-coloring of $G$ is a proper edge-coloring $f$ with edges of $H$, such that for each vertex $x$ of $G$, there is a vertex $y$ of $H$ with $f(\partialG(x))=\partialH(y)$. If $G$ admits an $H$-coloring, then we will write $H\prec G$. The Petersen coloring conjecture of Jaeger states that for any bridgeless cubic graph $G$, one has: $P\prec G$. The second author has recently introduced the Sylvester coloring conjecture, which states that for any cubic graph $G$ one has: $S\prec G$. Here $S$ is the Sylvester graph on $10$ vertices. In this paper, we prove the analogue of Sylvester coloring conjecture for cubic pseudo-graphs. Moreover, we show that if $G$ is any connected simple cubic graph $G$ with $G\prec P$, then $G = P$. This implies that the Petersen graph does not admit an $S{16}$-coloring, where $S{16}$ is the smallest connected simple cubic graph without a perfect matching. $S{16}$ has $16$ vertices. %We conjecture that there are infinitely many connected cubic simple graphs which do not admit an %$S{16}$-coloring. Finally, we obtain $2$ results towards the Sylvester coloring conjecture. The first result states that any cubic graph $G$ has a coloring with edges of Sylvester graph $S$ such that at least $\frac45$ of vertices of $G$ meet the conditions of Sylvester coloring conjecture. The second result states that any claw-free cubic graph graph admits an $S$-coloring. This results is an application of our result on cubic pseudo-graphs.

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