Emergent Mind

A Randomized Algorithm for Long Directed Cycle

Published Oct 29, 2015 in cs.DS


Given a directed graph $G$ and a parameter $k$, the {\sc Long Directed Cycle (LDC)} problem asks whether $G$ contains a simple cycle on at least $k$ vertices, while the {\sc $k$-Path} problems asks whether $G$ contains a simple path on exactly $k$ vertices. Given a deterministic (randomized) algorithm for {\sc $k$-Path} as a black box, which runs in time $t(G,k)$, we prove that {\sc LDC} can be solved in deterministic time $O*(\max{t(G,2k),4{k+o(k)}})$ (randomized time $O*(\max{t(G,2k),4k})$). In particular, we get that {\sc LDC} can be solved in randomized time $O*(4k)$.

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