Emergent Mind

NXgraph: An Efficient Graph Processing System on a Single Machine

Published Oct 23, 2015 in cs.DB


Recent studies show that graph processing systems on a single machine can achieve competitive performance compared with cluster-based graph processing systems. In this paper, we present NXgraph, an efficient graph processing system on a single machine. With the abstraction of vertex intervals and edge sub-shards, we propose the Destination-Sorted Sub-Shard (DSSS) structure to store a graph. By dividing vertices and edges into intervals and sub-shards, NXgraph ensures graph data access locality and enables fine-grained scheduling. By sorting edges within each sub-shard according to their destination vertices, NXgraph reduces write conflicts among different threads and achieves a high degree of parallelism. Then, three updating strategies, i.e., Single-Phase Update (SPU), Double-Phase Update (DPU), and Mixed-Phase Update (MPU), are proposed in this paper. NXgraph can adaptively choose the fastest strategy for different graph problems according to the graph size and the available memory resources to fully utilize the memory space and reduce the amount of data transfer. All these three strategies exploit streamlined disk access pattern. Extensive experiments on three real-world graphs and five synthetic graphs show that NXgraph can outperform GraphChi, TurboGraph, VENUS, and GridGraph in various situations. Moreover, NXgraph, running on a single commodity PC, can finish an iteration of PageRank on the Twitter graph with 1.5 billion edges in 2.05 seconds; while PowerGraph, a distributed graph processing system, needs 3.6s to finish the same task.

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