Emergent Mind

Quantum proofs can be verified using only single qubit measurements

Published Oct 22, 2015 in quant-ph and cs.CC


QMA (Quantum Merlin Arthur) is the class of problems which, though potentially hard to solve, have a quantum solution which can be verified efficiently using a quantum computer. It thus forms a natural quantum version of the classical complexity class NP (and its probabilistic variant MA, Merlin-Arthur games), where the verifier has only classical computational resources. In this paper, we study what happens when we restrict the quantum resources of the verifier to the bare minimum: individual measurements on single qubits received as they come, one-by-one. We find that despite this grave restriction, it is still possible to soundly verify any problem in QMA for the verifier with the minimum quantum resources possible, without using any quantum memory or multiqubit operations. We provide two independent proofs of this fact, based on measurement based quantum computation and the local Hamiltonian problem, respectively. The former construction also applies to QMA$_1$, i.e., QMA with one-sided error.

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