Emergent Mind

Improving Back-Propagation by Adding an Adversarial Gradient

Published Oct 14, 2015 in stat.ML and cs.LG


The back-propagation algorithm is widely used for learning in artificial neural networks. A challenge in machine learning is to create models that generalize to new data samples not seen in the training data. Recently, a common flaw in several machine learning algorithms was discovered: small perturbations added to the input data lead to consistent misclassification of data samples. Samples that easily mislead the model are called adversarial examples. Training a "maxout" network on adversarial examples has shown to decrease this vulnerability, but also increase classification performance. This paper shows that adversarial training has a regularizing effect also in networks with logistic, hyperbolic tangent and rectified linear units. A simple extension to the back-propagation method is proposed, that adds an adversarial gradient to the training. The extension requires an additional forward and backward pass to calculate a modified input sample, or mini batch, used as input for standard back-propagation learning. The first experimental results on MNIST show that the "adversarial back-propagation" method increases the resistance to adversarial examples and boosts the classification performance. The extension reduces the classification error on the permutation invariant MNIST from 1.60% to 0.95% in a logistic network, and from 1.40% to 0.78% in a network with rectified linear units. Results on CIFAR-10 indicate that the method has a regularizing effect similar to dropout in fully connected networks. Based on these promising results, adversarial back-propagation is proposed as a stand-alone regularizing method that should be further investigated.

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