Emergent Mind

Trilateral Large-Scale OSN Account Linkability Study

Published Oct 3, 2015 in cs.CY , cs.CR , and cs.SI


In the last decade, Online Social Networks (OSNs) have taken the world by storm. They range from superficial to professional, from focused to general-purpose, and, from free-form to highly structured. Numerous people have multiple accounts within the same OSN and even more people have an account on more than one OSN. Since all OSNs involve some amount of user input, often in written form, it is natural to consider whether multiple incarnations of the same person in various OSNs can be effectively correlated or linked. One intuitive means of linking accounts is by using stylometric analysis. This paper reports on (what we believe to be) the first trilateral large-scale stylometric OSN linkability study. Its outcome has important implications for OSN privacy. The study is trilateral since it involves three OSNs with very different missions: (1) Yelp, known primarily for its user-contributed reviews of various venues, e.g, dining and entertainment, (2) Twitter, popular for its pithy general-purpose micro-blogging style, and (3) Flickr, used exclusively for posting and labeling (describing) photographs. As our somewhat surprising results indicate, stylometric linkability of accounts across these heterogeneous OSNs is both viable and quite effective. The main take-away of this work is that, despite OSN heterogeneity, it is very challenging for one person to maintain privacy across multiple active accounts on different OSNs.

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