Emergent Mind


A \emph{metric tree embedding} of expected \emph{stretch~$\alpha \geq 1$} maps a weighted $n$-node graph $G = (V, E, \omega)$ to a weighted tree $T = (VT, ET, \omegaT)$ with $V \subseteq VT$ such that, for all $v,w \in V$, $\operatorname{dist}(v, w, G) \leq \operatorname{dist}(v, w, T)$ and $operatorname{E}[\operatorname{dist}(v, w, T)] \leq \alpha \operatorname{dist}(v, w, G)$. Such embeddings are highly useful for designing fast approximation algorithms, as many hard problems are easy to solve on tree instances. However, to date the best parallel $(\operatorname{polylog} n)$-depth algorithm that achieves an asymptotically optimal expected stretch of $\alpha \in \operatorname{O}(\log n)$ requires $\operatorname{\Omega}(n2)$ work and a metric as input. In this paper, we show how to achieve the same guarantees using $\operatorname{polylog} n$ depth and $\operatorname{\tilde{O}}(m{1+\epsilon})$ work, where $m = |E|$ and $\epsilon > 0$ is an arbitrarily small constant. Moreover, one may further reduce the work to $\operatorname{\tilde{O}}(m + n{1+\epsilon})$ at the expense of increasing the expected stretch to $\operatorname{O}(\epsilon{-1} \log n)$. Our main tool in deriving these parallel algorithms is an algebraic characterization of a generalization of the classic Moore-Bellman-Ford algorithm. We consider this framework, which subsumes a variety of previous "Moore-Bellman-Ford-like" algorithms, to be of independent interest and discuss it in depth. In our tree embedding algorithm, we leverage it for providing efficient query access to an approximate metric that allows sampling the tree using $\operatorname{polylog} n$ depth and $\operatorname{\tilde{O}}(m)$ work. We illustrate the generality and versatility of our techniques by various examples and a number of additional results.

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