Emergent Mind

The Computational Principles of Learning Ability

Published Sep 23, 2015 in cs.AI


It has been quite a long time since AI researchers in the field of computer science stop talking about simulating human intelligence or trying to explain how brain works. Recently, represented by deep learning techniques, the field of machine learning is experiencing unprecedented prosperity and some applications with near human-level performance bring researchers confidence to imply that their approaches are the promising candidate for understanding the mechanism of human brain. However apart from several ancient philological criteria and some imaginary black box tests (Turing test, Chinese room) there is no computational level explanation, definition or criteria about intelligence or any of its components. Base on the common sense that learning ability is one critical component of intelligence and inspect from the viewpoint of mapping relations, this paper presents two laws which explains what is the "learning ability" as we familiar with and under what conditions a mapping relation can be acknowledged as "Learning Model".

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