Emergent Mind

Fast and Efficient Sparse 2D Discrete Fourier Transform using Sparse-Graph Codes

Published Sep 19, 2015 in cs.IT , cs.MM , cs.SY , and math.IT


We present a novel algorithm, named the 2D-FFAST, to compute a sparse 2D-Discrete Fourier Transform (2D-DFT) featuring both low sample complexity and low computational complexity. The proposed algorithm is based on mixed concepts from signal processing (sub-sampling and aliasing), coding theory (sparse-graph codes) and number theory (Chinese-remainder-theorem) and generalizes the 1D-FFAST 2 algorithm recently proposed by Pawar and Ramchandran [1] to the 2D setting. Concretely, our proposed 2D-FFAST algorithm computes a k-sparse 2D-DFT, with a uniformly random support, of size N = Nx x Ny using O(k) noiseless spatial-domain measurements in O(k log k) computational time. Our results are attractive when the sparsity is sub-linear with respect to the signal dimension, that is, when k -> infinity and k/N -> 0. For the case when the spatial-domain measurements are corrupted by additive noise, our 2D-FFAST framework extends to a noise-robust version in sub-linear time of O(k log4 N ) using O(k log3 N ) measurements. Simulation results, on synthetic images as well as real-world magnetic resonance images, are provided in Section VII and demonstrate the empirical performance of the proposed 2D-FFAST algorithm.

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