Emergent Mind

Colored Non-Crossing Euclidean Steiner Forest

Published Sep 18, 2015 in cs.CG


Given a set of $k$-colored points in the plane, we consider the problem of finding $k$ trees such that each tree connects all points of one color class, no two trees cross, and the total edge length of the trees is minimized. For $k=1$, this is the well-known Euclidean Steiner tree problem. For general $k$, a $k\rho$-approximation algorithm is known, where $\rho \le 1.21$ is the Steiner ratio. We present a PTAS for $k=2$, a $(5/3+\varepsilon)$-approximation algorithm for $k=3$, and two approximation algorithms for general~$k$, with ratios $O(\sqrt n \log k)$ and $k+\varepsilon$.

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