Emergent Mind

Fast and Simple PCA via Convex Optimization

Published Sep 18, 2015 in math.OC , cs.LG , cs.NA , and math.NA


The problem of principle component analysis (PCA) is traditionally solved by spectral or algebraic methods. We show how computing the leading principal component could be reduced to solving a \textit{small} number of well-conditioned {\it convex} optimization problems. This gives rise to a new efficient method for PCA based on recent advances in stochastic methods for convex optimization. In particular we show that given a $d\times d$ matrix $\X = \frac{1}{n}\sum{i=1}n\xi\xi{\top}$ with top eigenvector $\u$ and top eigenvalue $\lambda1$ it is possible to: \begin{itemize} \item compute a unit vector $\w$ such that $(\w{\top}\u)2 \geq 1-\epsilon$ in $\tilde{O}\left({\frac{d}{\delta2}+N}\right)$ time, where $\delta = \lambda1 - \lambda2$ and $N$ is the total number of non-zero entries in $\x1,...,\xn$, \item compute a unit vector $\w$ such that $\w{\top}\X\w \geq \lambda_1-\epsilon$ in $\tilde{O}(d/\epsilon2)$ time. \end{itemize} To the best of our knowledge, these bounds are the fastest to date for a wide regime of parameters. These results could be further accelerated when $\delta$ (in the first case) and $\epsilon$ (in the second case) are smaller than $\sqrt{d/N}$.

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