Emergent Mind

A Parameterized Algorithm for Mixed Cut

Published Sep 18, 2015 in cs.DS


The classical Menger's theorem states that in any undirected (or directed) graph $G$, given a pair of vertices $s$ and $t$, the maximum number of vertex (edge) disjoint paths is equal to the minimum number of vertices (edges) needed to disconnect from $s$ and $t$. This min-max result can be turned into a polynomial time algorithm to find the maximum number of vertex (edge) disjoint paths as well as the minimum number of vertices (edges) needed to disconnect $s$ from $t$. In this paper we study a mixed version of this problem, called Mixed-Cut, where we are given an undirected graph $G$, vertices $s$ and $t$, positive integers $k$ and $l$ and the objective is to test whether there exist a $k$ sized vertex set $S \subseteq V(G)$ and an $l$ sized edge set $F \subseteq E(G)$ such that deletion of $S$ and $F$ from $G$ disconnects from $s$ and $t$. We start with a small observation that this problem is NP-complete and then study this problem, in fact a much stronger generalization of this, in the realm of parameterized complexity. In particular we study the Mixed-Multiway Cut-Uncut problem where along with a set of terminals $T$, we are also given an equivalence relation $\mathcal{R}$ on $T$, and the question is whether we can delete at most $k$ vertices and at most $l$ edges such that connectivity of the terminals in the resulting graph respects $\mathcal{R}$. Our main results is a fixed parameter algorithm for Mixed-Multiway Cut-Uncut using the method of recursive understanding introduced by Chitnis et al. (FOCS 2012).

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