Emergent Mind


We identify the obstacles hindering the deployment of Information Centric Networking (ICN) and the shift from the current IP architecture. In particular, we argue that scalability of name resolution and the lack of control of content access from content providers are two important barriers that keep ICN away from deployment. We design solutions to incentivise ICN deployment and present a new network architecture that incorporates an extra layer in the protocol stack (the Location Independent Routing Layer, LIRA) to integrate location-independent content delivery. According to our design, content names need not (and should not) be permanent, but rather should be ephemeral. Resolution of non-permanent names requires the involvement of content providers, enabling desirable features such as request logging and cache purging, while avoiding the need for the deployment of a new name resolution infrastructure. Our results show that with half of the network's nodes operating under the LIRA framework, we can get the full gain of the ICN mode of operation.

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