Emergent Mind

Repairing Reed-Solomon Codes

Published Sep 15, 2015 in cs.IT , cs.CC , and math.IT


We study the performance of Reed-Solomon (RS) codes for the \em exact repair problem \em in distributed storage. Our main result is that, in some parameter regimes, Reed-Solomon codes are optimal regenerating codes, among MDS codes with linear repair schemes. Moreover, we give a characterization of MDS codes with linear repair schemes which holds in any parameter regime, and which can be used to give non-trivial repair schemes for RS codes in other settings. More precisely, we show that for $k$-dimensional RS codes whose evaluation points are a finite field of size $n$, there are exact repair schemes with bandwidth $(n-1)\log((n-1)/(n-k))$ bits, and that this is optimal for any MDS code with a linear repair scheme. In contrast, the naive (commonly implemented) repair algorithm for this RS code has bandwidth $k\log(n)$ bits. When the entire field is used as evaluation points, the number of nodes $n$ is much larger than the number of bits per node (which is $O(\log(n))$), and so this result holds only when the degree of sub-packetization is small. However, our method applies in any parameter regime, and to illustrate this for high levels of sub-packetization we give an improved repair scheme for a specific (14,10)-RS code used in the Facebook Hadoop Analytics cluster.

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