Emergent Mind

Kernelized Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Describing Complex Images

Published Sep 15, 2015 in cs.CV , cs.AI , cs.IR , and cs.MM


With the impressive capability to capture visual content, deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) have demon- strated promising performance in various vision-based ap- plications, such as classification, recognition, and objec- t detection. However, due to the intrinsic structure design of CNN, for images with complex content, it achieves lim- ited capability on invariance to translation, rotation, and re-sizing changes, which is strongly emphasized in the s- cenario of content-based image retrieval. In this paper, to address this problem, we proposed a new kernelized deep convolutional neural network. We first discuss our motiva- tion by an experimental study to demonstrate the sensitivi- ty of the global CNN feature to the basic geometric trans- formations. Then, we propose to represent visual content with approximate invariance to the above geometric trans- formations from a kernelized perspective. We extract CNN features on the detected object-like patches and aggregate these patch-level CNN features to form a vectorial repre- sentation with the Fisher vector model. The effectiveness of our proposed algorithm is demonstrated on image search application with three benchmark datasets.

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