Emergent Mind

The Average Sensitivity of Bounded-Depth Formulas

Published Aug 31, 2015 in cs.CC


We show that unbounded fan-in boolean formulas of depth $d+1$ and size $s$ have average sensitivity $O(\frac{1}{d}\log s)d$. In particular, this gives a tight $2{\Omega(d(n{1/d}-1))}$ lower bound on the size of depth $d+1$ formulas computing the \textsc{parity} function. These results strengthen the corresponding $2{\Omega(n{1/d})}$ and $O(\log s)d$ bounds for circuits due to H{\aa}stad (1986) and Boppana (1997). Our proof technique studies a random process where the Switching Lemma is applied to formulas in an efficient manner.

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