Emergent Mind

On interval edge-colorings of bipartite graphs of small order

Published Aug 12, 2015 in cs.DM and math.CO


An edge-coloring of a graph $G$ with colors $1,\ldots,t$ is an interval $t$-coloring if all colors are used, and the colors of edges incident to each vertex of $G$ are distinct and form an interval of integers. A graph $G$ is interval colorable if it has an interval $t$-coloring for some positive integer $t$. The problem of deciding whether a bipartite graph is interval colorable is NP-complete. The smallest known examples of interval non-colorable bipartite graphs have $19$ vertices. On the other hand it is known that the bipartite graphs on at most $14$ vertices are interval colorable. In this work we observe that several classes of bipartite graphs of small order have an interval coloring. In particular, we show that all bipartite graphs on $15$ vertices are interval colorable.

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