Emergent Mind

Probabilistic Power Flow Computation via Low-Rank and Sparse Tensor Recovery

Published Aug 11, 2015 in cs.CE , math.ST , and stat.TH


This paper presents a tensor-recovery method to solve probabilistic power flow problems. Our approach generates a high-dimensional and sparse generalized polynomial-chaos expansion that provides useful statistical information. The result can also speed up other essential routines in power systems (e.g., stochastic planning, operations and controls). Instead of simulating a power flow equation at all quadrature points, our approach only simulates an extremely small subset of samples. We suggest a model to exploit the underlying low-rank and sparse structure of high-dimensional simulation data arrays, making our technique applicable to power systems with many random parameters. We also present a numerical method to solve the resulting nonlinear optimization problem. Our algorithm is implemented in MATLAB and is verified by several benchmarks in MATPOWER $5.1$. Accurate results are obtained for power systems with up to $50$ independent random parameters, with a speedup factor up to $9\times 10{20}$.

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