Emergent Mind

Efficient quantum tomography

Published Aug 8, 2015 in quant-ph and cs.DS


In the quantum state tomography problem, one wishes to estimate an unknown $d$-dimensional mixed quantum state $\rho$, given few copies. We show that $O(d/\epsilon)$ copies suffice to obtain an estimate $\hat{\rho}$ that satisfies $|\hat{\rho} - \rho|_F2 \leq \epsilon$ (with high probability). An immediate consequence is that $O(\mathrm{rank}(\rho) \cdot d/\epsilon2) \leq O(d2/\epsilon2)$ copies suffice to obtain an $\epsilon$-accurate estimate in the standard trace distance. This improves on the best known prior result of $O(d3/\epsilon2)$ copies for full tomography, and even on the best known prior result of $O(d2\log(d/\epsilon)/\epsilon2)$ copies for spectrum estimation. Our result is the first to show that nontrivial tomography can be obtained using a number of copies that is just linear in the dimension. Next, we generalize these results to show that one can perform efficient principal component analysis on $\rho$. Our main result is that $O(k d/\epsilon2)$ copies suffice to output a rank-$k$ approximation $\hat{\rho}$ whose trace distance error is at most $\epsilon$ more than that of the best rank-$k$ approximator to $\rho$. This subsumes our above trace distance tomography result and generalizes it to the case when $\rho$ is not guaranteed to be of low rank. A key part of the proof is the analogous generalization of our spectrum-learning results: we show that the largest $k$ eigenvalues of $\rho$ can be estimated to trace-distance error $\epsilon$ using $O(k2/\epsilon2)$ copies. In turn, this result relies on a new coupling theorem concerning the Robinson-Schensted-Knuth algorithm that should be of independent combinatorial interest.

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