Emergent Mind

A Novel Cooperative Strategy for Wireless Multihop Backhaul Networks

Published Aug 1, 2015 in cs.IT and math.IT


The 5G wireless network architecture will bring dense deployments of base stations called {\em small cells} for both outdoors and indoors traffic. The feasibility of their dense deployments depends on the existence of a high data-rate transport network that can provide high-data backhaul from an aggregation node where data traffic originates and terminates, to every such small cell. Due to the limited range of radio signals in the high frequency bands, multihop wireless connection may need to be established between each access node and an aggregation node. In this paper, we present a novel transmission scheme for wireless multihop backhaul for 5G networks. The scheme consists of 1) {\em group successive relaying} that established a relay schedule to efficiently exploit half-duplex relays and 2) an optimized quantize-map-and-forward (QMF) coding scheme that improves the performance of QMF and reduces the decoding complexity and the delay. We derive an achievable rate region of the proposed scheme and attain a closed-form expression in the asymptotic case for several network models of interests. It is shown that the proposed scheme provides a significant gain over multihop routing (based on decode-and-forward), which is a solution currently proposed for wireless multihop backhaul network. Furthermore, the performance gap increases as a network becomes denser. For the proposed scheme, we then develop energy-efficient routing that determines {\em groups} of participating relays for every hop. To reflect the metric used in the routing algorithm, we refer to it as {\em interference-harnessing} routing. By turning interference into a useful signal, each relay requires a lower transmission power to achieve a desired performance compared to other routing schemes. Finally, we present a low-complexity successive decoder, which makes it feasible to use the proposed scheme in practice.

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