Emergent Mind


Recent work has explored methods for learning continuous vector space word representations reflecting the underlying semantics of words. Simple vector space arithmetic using cosine distances has been shown to capture certain types of analogies, such as reasoning about plurals from singulars, past tense from present tense, etc. In this paper, we introduce a new approach to capture analogies in continuous word representations, based on modeling not just individual word vectors, but rather the subspaces spanned by groups of words. We exploit the property that the set of subspaces in n-dimensional Euclidean space form a curved manifold space called the Grassmannian, a quotient subgroup of the Lie group of rotations in n- dimensions. Based on this mathematical model, we develop a modified cosine distance model based on geodesic kernels that captures relation-specific distances across word categories. Our experiments on analogy tasks show that our approach performs significantly better than the previous approaches for the given task.

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