Emergent Mind

Towards Understanding User Preferences from User Tagging Behavior for Personalization

Published Jul 18, 2015 in cs.MM , cs.HC , and cs.IR


Personalizing image tags is a relatively new and growing area of research, and in order to advance this research community, we must review and challenge the de-facto standard of defining tag importance. We believe that for greater progress to be made, we must go beyond tags that merely describe objects that are visually represented in the image, towards more user-centric and subjective notions such as emotion, sentiment, and preferences. We focus on the notion of user preferences and show that the order that users list tags on images is correlated to the order of preference over the tags that they provided for the image. While this observation is not completely surprising, to our knowledge, we are the first to explore this aspect of user tagging behavior systematically and report empirical results to support this observation. We argue that this observation can be exploited to help advance the image tagging (and related) communities. Our contributions include: 1.) conducting a user study demonstrating this observation, 2.) collecting a dataset with user tag preferences explicitly collected.

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