Emergent Mind

Maximum matching width: new characterizations and a fast algorithm for dominating set

Published Jul 9, 2015 in cs.DS , cs.DM , and math.CO


We give alternative definitions for maximum matching width, e.g. a graph $G$ has $\operatorname{mmw}(G) \leq k$ if and only if it is a subgraph of a chordal graph $H$ and for every maximal clique $X$ of $H$ there exists $A,B,C \subseteq X$ with $A \cup B \cup C=X$ and $|A|,|B|,|C| \leq k$ such that any subset of $X$ that is a minimal separator of $H$ is a subset of either $A, B$ or $C$. Treewidth and branchwidth have alternative definitions through intersections of subtrees, where treewidth focuses on nodes and branchwidth focuses on edges. We show that mm-width combines both aspects, focusing on nodes and on edges. Based on this we prove that given a graph $G$ and a branch decomposition of mm-width $k$ we can solve Dominating Set in time $O*({8k})$, thereby beating $O*(3{\operatorname{tw}(G)})$ whenever $\operatorname{tw}(G) > \log_3{8} \times k \approx 1.893 k$. Note that $\operatorname{mmw}(G) \leq \operatorname{tw}(G)+1 \leq 3 \operatorname{mmw}(G)$ and these inequalities are tight. Given only the graph $G$ and using the best known algorithms to find decompositions, maximum matching width will be better for solving Dominating Set whenever $\operatorname{tw}(G) > 1.549 \times \operatorname{mmw}(G)$.

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