Emergent Mind

Optimal time sharing in underlay cognitive radio systems with RF energy harvesting

Published Jul 1, 2015 in cs.IT and math.IT


Due to the fundamental tradeoffs, achieving spectrum efficiency and energy efficiency are two contending design challenges for the future wireless networks. However, applying radio-frequency (RF) energy harvesting (EH) in a cognitive radio system could potentially circumvent this tradeoff, resulting in a secondary system with limitless power supply and meaningful achievable information rates. This paper proposes an online solution for the optimal time allocation (time sharing) between the EH phase and the information transmission (IT) phase in an underlay cognitive radio system, which harvests the RF energy originating from the primary system. The proposed online solution maximizes the average achievable rate of the cognitive radio system, subject to the $\varepsilon$-percentile protection criteria for the primary system. The optimal time sharing achieves significant gains compared to equal time allocation between the EH and IT phases.

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