Emergent Mind

A polynomial kernel for Block Graph Deletion

Published Jun 29, 2015 in cs.DS and cs.DM


In the Block Graph Deletion problem, we are given a graph $G$ on $n$ vertices and a positive integer $k$, and the objective is to check whether it is possible to delete at most $k$ vertices from $G$ to make it a block graph, i.e., a graph in which each block is a clique. In this paper, we obtain a kernel with $\mathcal{O}(k{6})$ vertices for the Block Graph Deletion problem. This is a first step to investigate polynomial kernels for deletion problems into non-trivial classes of graphs of bounded rank-width, but unbounded tree-width. Our result also implies that Chordal Vertex Deletion admits a polynomial-size kernel on diamond-free graphs. For the kernelization and its analysis, we introduce the notion of `complete degree' of a vertex. We believe that the underlying idea can be potentially applied to other problems. We also prove that the Block Graph Deletion problem can be solved in time $10{k}\cdot n{\mathcal{O}(1)}$.

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