Emergent Mind

Sparsified Cholesky Solvers for SDD linear systems

Published Jun 26, 2015 in cs.DS


We show that Laplacian and symmetric diagonally dominant (SDD) matrices can be well approximated by linear-sized sparse Cholesky factorizations. We show that these matrices have constant-factor approximations of the form $L L{T}$, where $L$ is a lower-triangular matrix with a number of nonzero entries linear in its dimension. Furthermore linear systems in $L$ and $L{T}$ can be solved in $O (n)$ work and $O(\log{n}\log2\log{n})$ depth, where $n$ is the dimension of the matrix. We present nearly linear time algorithms that construct solvers that are almost this efficient. In doing so, we give the first nearly-linear work routine for constructing spectral vertex sparsifiersthat is, spectral approximations of Schur complements of Laplacian matrices.

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