Emergent Mind

Manifold Optimization for Gaussian Mixture Models

Published Jun 25, 2015 in stat.ML , cs.LG , and math.OC


We take a new look at parameter estimation for Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs). In particular, we propose using \emph{Riemannian manifold optimization} as a powerful counterpart to Expectation Maximization (EM). An out-of-the-box invocation of manifold optimization, however, fails spectacularly: it converges to the same solution but vastly slower. Driven by intuition from manifold convexity, we then propose a reparamerization that has remarkable empirical consequences. It makes manifold optimization not only match EMa highly encouraging result in itself given the poor record nonlinear programming methods have had against EM so farbut also outperform EM in many practical settings, while displaying much less variability in running times. We further highlight the strengths of manifold optimization by developing a somewhat tuned manifold LBFGS method that proves even more competitive and reliable than existing manifold optimization tools. We hope that our results encourage a wider consideration of manifold optimization for parameter estimation problems.

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