Emergent Mind

GRINS: A Multiphysics Framework Based on the libMesh Finite Element Library

Published Jun 19, 2015 in cs.MS and cs.CE


The progression of scientific computing resources has enabled the numerical approximation of mathematical models describing complex physical phenomena. A significant portion of researcher time is typically dedicated to the development of software to compute the numerical solutions. This work describes a flexible C++ software framework, built on the libMesh finite element library, designed to alleviate developer burden and provide easy access to modern computational algorithms, including quantity-of-interest-driven parallel adaptive mesh refinement on unstructured grids and adjoint-based sensitivities. Other software environments are highlighted and the current work motivated; in particular, the present work is an attempt to balance software infrastructure and user flexibility. The applicable class of problems and design of the software components is discussed in detail. Several examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the design, including applications that incorporate uncertainty. Current and planned developments are discussed.

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