Emergent Mind

Approximating Likelihood Ratios with Calibrated Discriminative Classifiers

Published Jun 6, 2015 in stat.AP , physics.data-an , and stat.ML


In many fields of science, generalized likelihood ratio tests are established tools for statistical inference. At the same time, it has become increasingly common that a simulator (or generative model) is used to describe complex processes that tie parameters $\theta$ of an underlying theory and measurement apparatus to high-dimensional observations $\mathbf{x}\in \mathbb{R}p$. However, simulator often do not provide a way to evaluate the likelihood function for a given observation $\mathbf{x}$, which motivates a new class of likelihood-free inference algorithms. In this paper, we show that likelihood ratios are invariant under a specific class of dimensionality reduction maps $\mathbb{R}p \mapsto \mathbb{R}$. As a direct consequence, we show that discriminative classifiers can be used to approximate the generalized likelihood ratio statistic when only a generative model for the data is available. This leads to a new machine learning-based approach to likelihood-free inference that is complementary to Approximate Bayesian Computation, and which does not require a prior on the model parameters. Experimental results on artificial problems with known exact likelihoods illustrate the potential of the proposed method.

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