Emergent Mind


Overlay networks present an interesting challenge for fault-tolerant computing. Many overlay networks operate in dynamic environments (e.g. the Internet), where faults are frequent and widespread, and the number of processes in a system may be quite large. Recently, self-stabilizing overlay networks have been presented as a method for managing this complexity. \emph{Self-stabilizing overlay networks} promise that, starting from any weakly-connected configuration, a correct overlay network will eventually be built. To date, this guarantee has come at a cost: nodes may either have high degree during the algorithm's execution, or the algorithm may take a long time to reach a legal configuration. In this paper, we present the first self-stabilizing overlay network algorithm that does not incur this penalty. Specifically, we (i) present a new locally-checkable overlay network based upon a binary search tree, and (ii) provide a randomized algorithm for self-stabilization that terminates in an expected polylogarithmic number of rounds \emph{and} increases a node's degree by only a polylogarithmic factor in expectation.

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