Emergent Mind

Swiveled Rényi entropies

Published Jun 2, 2015 in quant-ph , cond-mat.stat-mech , cs.IT , hep-th , math-ph , math.IT , and math.MP


This paper introduces "swiveled Renyi entropies" as an alternative to the Renyi entropic quantities put forward in [Berta et al., Phys. Rev. A 91, 022333 (2015)]. What distinguishes the swiveled Renyi entropies from the prior proposal of Berta et al. is that there is an extra degree of freedom: an optimization over unitary rotations with respect to particular fixed bases (swivels). A consequence of this extra degree of freedom is that the swiveled Renyi entropies are ordered, which is an important property of the Renyi family of entropies. The swiveled Renyi entropies are however generally discontinuous at $\alpha=1$ and do not converge to the von Neumann entropy-based measures in the limit as $\alpha\rightarrow1$, instead bounding them from above and below. Particular variants reduce to known Renyi entropies, such as the Renyi relative entropy or the sandwiched Renyi relative entropy, but also lead to ordered Renyi conditional mutual informations and ordered Renyi generalizations of a relative entropy difference. Refinements of entropy inequalities such as monotonicity of quantum relative entropy and strong subadditivity follow as a consequence of the aforementioned properties of the swiveled Renyi entropies. Due to the lack of convergence at $\alpha=1$, it is unclear whether the swiveled Renyi entropies would be useful in one-shot information theory, so that the present contribution represents partial progress toward this goal.

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