Emergent Mind

Sample-Optimal Density Estimation in Nearly-Linear Time

Published Jun 1, 2015 in cs.DS , cs.IT , cs.LG , math.IT , math.ST , and stat.TH


We design a new, fast algorithm for agnostically learning univariate probability distributions whose densities are well approximated by piecewise polynomial functions. Let $f$ be the density function of an arbitrary univariate distribution, and suppose that $f$ is $\mathrm{OPT}$-close in $L_1$-distance to an unknown piecewise polynomial function with $t$ interval pieces and degree $d$. Our algorithm draws $n = O(t(d+1)/\epsilon2)$ samples from $f$, runs in time $\tilde{O}(n \cdot \mathrm{poly}(d))$, and with probability at least $9/10$ outputs an $O(t)$-piecewise degree-$d$ hypothesis $h$ that is $4 \cdot \mathrm{OPT} +\epsilon$ close to $f$. Our general algorithm yields (nearly) sample-optimal and nearly-linear time estimators for a wide range of structured distribution families over both continuous and discrete domains in a unified way. For most of our applications, these are the first sample-optimal and nearly-linear time estimators in the literature. As a consequence, our work resolves the sample and computational complexities of a broad class of inference tasks via a single "meta-algorithm". Moreover, we experimentally demonstrate that our algorithm performs very well in practice. Our algorithm consists of three "levels": (i) At the top level, we employ an iterative greedy algorithm for finding a good partition of the real line into the pieces of a piecewise polynomial. (ii) For each piece, we show that the sub-problem of finding a good polynomial fit on the current interval can be solved efficiently with a separation oracle method. (iii) We reduce the task of finding a separating hyperplane to a combinatorial problem and give an efficient algorithm for this problem. Combining these three procedures gives a density estimation algorithm with the claimed guarantees.

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