Emergent Mind

The Kuenneth formula for graphs

Published May 28, 2015 in math.CO , cs.CG , cs.DM , and math.AT


We construct a Cartesian product G x H for finite simple graphs. It satisfies the Kuenneth formula: Hk(G x H) is a direct sum of tensor products Hi(G) x Hj(G) with i+j=k and so p(G x H,x) = p(G,x) p(H,y) for the Poincare polynomial p(G,x) and X(G x H) = X(G) X(H) for the Euler characteristic X(G)=p(G,-1). G1=G x K1 has as vertices the simplices of G and a natural digraph structure. We show that dim(G1) is larger or equal than dim(G) and G1 is homotopic to G. The Kuenneth identity is proven using Hodge describing the harmonic forms by the product f g of harmonic forms of G and H and uses a discrete de Rham theorem given by a combinatorial chain homotopy between simplicial and de Rham cohomology. We show dim(G x H) = dim(G1) + dim(H1) implying that dim(G x H) is larger or equal than dim(G) + dim(H) as for Hausdorff dimension in the continuum. The chromatic number c(G1) is smaller or equal than c(G) and c(G x H) is bounded above by c(G)+c(H)-1. The automorphism group of G x H contains Aut(G) x Aut(H). If G~H and U~V then (G x U) ~ (H x V) if ~ means homotopic: homotopy classes can be multiplided. If G is k-dimensional geometric meaning that all unit spheres S(x) in G are (k-1)-discrete homotopy spheres, then G1 is k-dimensional geometric. If G is k-dimensional geometric and H is l-dimensional geometric, then G x H is geometric of dimension (l+k). The product extends to a ring of chains which unlike the category of graphs is closed under boundary operation taking quotients G/A with A subset Aut(G). As we can glue graphs or chains, joins or fibre bundles can be defined with the same features as in the continuum, allowing to build isomorphism classes of bundles.

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