Emergent Mind

Identifying Dwarfs Workloads in Big Data Analytics

Published May 26, 2015 in cs.DB


Big data benchmarking is particularly important and provides applicable yardsticks for evaluating booming big data systems. However, wide coverage and great complexity of big data computing impose big challenges on big data benchmarking. How can we construct a benchmark suite using a minimum set of units of computation to represent diversity of big data analytics workloads? Big data dwarfs are abstractions of extracting frequently appearing operations in big data computing. One dwarf represents one unit of computation, and big data workloads are decomposed into one or more dwarfs. Furthermore, dwarfs workloads rather than vast real workloads are more cost-efficient and representative to evaluate big data systems. In this paper, we extensively investigate six most important or emerging application domains i.e. search engine, social network, e-commerce, multimedia, bioinformatics and astronomy. After analyzing forty representative algorithms, we single out eight dwarfs workloads in big data analytics other than OLAP, which are linear algebra, sampling, logic operations, transform operations, set operations, graph operations, statistic operations and sort.

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