Emergent Mind


This paper studies the concept of color semantics by modeling a dataset of magazine cover designs, evaluating the model via crowdsourcing, and demonstrating several prototypes that facilitate color-related design tasks. We investigate a probabilistic generative modeling framework that expresses semantic concepts as a combination of color and word distributions $-$color-word topics. We adopt an extension to Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling called LDA-dual to infer a set of color-word topics over a corpus of 2,654 magazine covers spanning 71 distinct titles and 12 genres. While LDA models text documents as distributions over word topics, we model magazine covers as distributions over color-word topics. The results of our crowdsourced experiments confirm that the model is able to successfully discover the associations between colors and linguistic concepts. Finally, we demonstrate several simple prototypes that apply the learned model to color palette recommendation, design example retrieval, image retrieval, image color selection, and image recoloring.

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